Friday, February 15, 2013

This is a picture form a video that I posted on YouTube, I made this film to show people what sailing as a sport really is. I used the standard effects of Imovie to make this image look like it does. The video is really cool and I would like for you to watch it:

Sunday, February 10, 2013

These are 4 of the same images, I just played with hue and saturation and filters. I took these images with a fujifilm finepix S, its a really nice camera that takes pictures that are better then the eye can see. my favorite image is the first one, which one do you like better? (comment)

Monday, February 4, 2013

This is my latest self portrait, I pretty much just took a picture of my self, inverted it, made it glow and then I added the background. As you can tell I like rich colors and I try not to make them bright but this one turned out a little bright for my liking so I don't know if I like it or not.