Sunday, May 12, 2013

This is an old piece, I painted this with the pen tool in photoshop and then I made a color overlay of green and then I painted the smoke layers with a smoke brush that I found. I like this piece , the greens and blues contrast each other and I think that it made this piece really cool.

Friday, April 26, 2013

My latest piece is from the artist Dan Flavin, he is not a graphic designer but he is an artist. Instead of Photoshop he makes pieces with lights, he has designed houses and he has a whole museum dedicated to him. He is a very cool artist and I would suggest checking him out. His pieces are simple, he only uses light strips or fluorescent circles. He is a minimalist but he makes very cool installations.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

This is my newest piece, it is not done. This is and expansion of the piece below, all I did was magnify the fish's fins and I added my own twist to it. These two pieces are my attempts at recreating Si Scott's digital artwork. This one is a little bit closer to what he does than the one below.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

This is my newest piece, it is a beta fish that I drew in photoshop with the pen tool, the original image was not very high in quality so had to guess when I was drawling in the lines of the fish and this is what it turned out to look like.

Friday, April 5, 2013

I took the bottom half of the image while I was in the Dominican republic, painted the space and the planet. I also contrasted the colors of blue and red, they put emphasis on each other and they unite the whole image with their cooling and warming effect.

Friday, March 29, 2013

This is my latest piece, I took this image in the Dominican Republic. I wanted this image to show the similarities between day and night, as well as showing the differences. the original image is on the left and the other part was completely photoshopped, I used a lot of filters and the "Black and White cookie".

Sunday, March 24, 2013

This is my latest piece, it is a sun flower that used to be yellow but I didn't like the yellow so I changed it to be white and then I added a blue smoke layer above it. After that I played with the filters and I chose poster edges and it turned out to be like this.

Friday, February 15, 2013

This is a picture form a video that I posted on YouTube, I made this film to show people what sailing as a sport really is. I used the standard effects of Imovie to make this image look like it does. The video is really cool and I would like for you to watch it:

Sunday, February 10, 2013

These are 4 of the same images, I just played with hue and saturation and filters. I took these images with a fujifilm finepix S, its a really nice camera that takes pictures that are better then the eye can see. my favorite image is the first one, which one do you like better? (comment)

Monday, February 4, 2013

This is my latest self portrait, I pretty much just took a picture of my self, inverted it, made it glow and then I added the background. As you can tell I like rich colors and I try not to make them bright but this one turned out a little bright for my liking so I don't know if I like it or not.

Friday, January 25, 2013

This is my latest piece, it is a self portrait that was inspired by Andy Warhol. I used filters to drastically change this image from a normal picture of me, to this. The original colors where orange and blue but i changed it to purple and orange because they fit better and the contrasted each other. I think that this image is really cool and it is probably my fourth favorite piece that I have done. I wish that it didn't have so many visible pixels.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

This is my latest portfolio piece and I took this picture. I added a lens flair and I painted the stars and solar clouds. I also played with the vibrance, which is better than hue and saturation because it makes the colors more vibrant with out making them have a lot of visible pixels.  

Friday, January 11, 2013

This is my unfinished art piece, it is the meaning of my name, my name means: a creator, a warrior and a poet or an axe. The warrior part is the light armor and the sword (I drew it with the brush tool), the creator part is the armor because it is being created as it moves across my body. I don't know what to do about the poet/ axe part, any suggestions?