Thursday, May 17, 2012

I found this flower in red an changed the colors with the color replacement tool. I was going to make the whole flower multicolored but I stopped at blue and colored the outer part blue and then I added the effect to it and it came out looking like this.

Friday, May 11, 2012

This was a tutorial that I tried to follow a long time ago, I stopped at the making of the colors. This tutorial showed me how to make my own brush and how to apply it. It also taught me how to make pieces of glass look more real. I really liked this tutorial ad I wish that I had finished it.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

We had a project where we had to take a magazine like sports illustrated and make the opposite so i made laziness illustrated. Where you can be a soldier or a football player who is working really hard at what they are doing, while you are siting on the couch doing nothing. I know I spelled laziness wrong but that is the irony of being too lazy to look it up.