Tuesday, January 24, 2012

cool letters

I made this by following a tutorial, which took a long time and one hundred and forty two layers of each letter. The hardest part of this image would be making the letters show the background and have the letters only show the outlines.the grid was pretty easy and the light at the bottom is a brush.

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Name

This is the meaning of a name I made up. Andrew, the first person to join jesus. Tyler, the creator of everything, and Baird, a general. I found some gears and I thought gears power machines and machines make things so I put th gears in the image. I found a picture of jesus with a halo around his head and put that in. Then I couldn't find the meaning of Baird so I remembered from history that baird was a famous general so I put five stars into the image. After this I made it all blend, I used some filters and changed some of the colors. After this I was missing something in the bottom right corner so I put a soldier and faded him into the image. That is how I made this peice


I made this peice for the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers. This peice got an honorable mention and it goes to gibbs high school for a award. This was a relitively simple image to make I found a flower that was the same color as the top right of the image and I made a rainbow that starts in the center of the image and expands outward and than I added a pattern to it. 

Friday, January 13, 2012


This image started as a red desert and a plain blue sky. I found stars and put them in and then erased it untill i could see a little bit of the horizon. After this I found a statue and the head was gone so I added a new head and put that on and the statue was a little blue so I decided to make the whole image that blueish color and after this I added the light on the statues. I made sure that there was some glow to the light and after this, I put a filter on the whole image and made it all fit together.